Just subscribed. I’ve also recently gone on a journey similar to yours (see my post about seeking simplicity) look forward to sharing the journey together brother

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nice to meet you Dhruv! Will check it out - how did you find my newsletter :)

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

Tobi, I love to see you deriving joy from writing! And you are a joy to read. I’m excited to hear about whatever comes up for you between your adventures and down time!

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You sure are a reference. Personally, I wish I had all the time to read (or write) all the things! I don't always catch it as info is a steady stream, but when I do, your writing hooks me because you connect the disparate, write long form, and I see the evidence you've put time and thought in to what you share, so I feel I can do the same.

Your slow, steady growth gives me big time inspo to keep going myself. Thank you!

As far as what to write next...let me catch up on where you've been first as I seem to have fallen behind (and am HOOKED already). Congrats on the growth and all I can say is, stick with it.

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thank you for the kind words Emily! Means a lot to me tbh. I will definitely keep writing and hope you do so as well :)

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

Oh can't stop me. In fact I am writing TOO much. But once you get bitten by the bug...

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

I would love to read about how do you experience and value your own time being in a sabbatical, living a life that doesn’t suck your soul away. Do feel you spend your time in a more fulfilling way? Do you still feel the urge to be “productive at all times” as we are mentally conditioned to do so by our enterprise tech industry? Do you still try to multitask? Do you continue feel the urge to accomplish/deliver/reply as something more urgent than your own needs - since we were taught to do so? At which point you were able to slow down your pace to a sustainable level that you feel you have control back on your life?

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I love these questions Tiago! I will write something longer about these but until then I'll give you a snippet. I definitely feel the urge to be productive and that's not surprising. Recently, I started reading the philosophy of Rene Girard and he argues that our desires are not really our own...they are subtly given to us by society. So I was conditioned for 20+ years to produce things, to earn a paying job, to accumulate wealth, own a house etc so that I will be desired. Basically for status, prestige and so that I feel in the "in group".

So when I feel those urges, I try to ask myself why I'm feeling that impulse. Do I feel like I must do "cool things" to be worthy? To be loved? So that I'm not alone? It's often uncomfortable but I feel like I'm getting to understand myself better. Slowly but surely, I'm getting to know my motivations, fears and desires.

I've started going on solo walks through the city. Usually for a couple hours. I try to let myself wander. I don't really set an end goal but a general direction and then I let things just flow. But it's not easy. I definitely still multi task, although I'm generally more aware when I am. Eventually, I want to get to a place where I can walk through the city without any tech: no phone, no podcast, no music, just steps. I also deleted Twitter because I was hopelessly addicted to it. And it ruined my attention span. Anyway, it's all a journey and I'm pretty early in it. So one step at a time :)

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

Wow that’s awesome and quite inspiring. Thank you for sharing, Toby! I much appreciate getting your perspective. I’m on a similar trajectory while just being an initial intention at this moment, and slowly building up to owning more of my life. Many thanks and happy new year!

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Happy New Year man, great to hear that you're on a similar trajectory. Let's keep in touch as you navigate this process :)

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

> So tell me in the comments, what should I write next year?

Maybe something you see or do IRL?

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Mmm I have a working draft that's in the style of "A day in the life when on sabbatical" and today I thought it might be cool to write an essay for each city I visit when I'm travelling. Will think about this!

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