Jeez Tobi!!! This was riveting!! You had me wanting to get right back on the plane at "She seemed a bit confused. 'What’s the name of the villa?'" I have massive airbnb anxiety, haha!! But you made it! You survived!!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

Beautifully written! I dey fear dogs oooo

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This is wild! And you're right, never trust a person who vouches for a dog. "Don't worry it won't bite." It will bite

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What an adventure Tobi! Enjoyed reading this, sorry I giggled at some parts. Glad you're alive to tell the tale!

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As someone who has been chased/followed/targeted by stray dogs in several countries, I can empathize. It’s so scary!! Have they been all over Thailand? (That might drop it a bit lower on my ‘to visit’ list 😅)

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