Hey Tobi! Loved the article, mate! I found your point about the different ways stories hold us back really intriguing. Cheers!

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hey Scott! thanks for the message. I'm glad it resonated :)

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Tobi Ogunnaike

loved this!!

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🍾🍾 my fellow runner!

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This is wonderfully crafted, it’s a pleasure to read!

‘So what do you do’ is such a pesky question when you’re on a sabbatical... at the start, I answered it with ‘I am on sabbatical from...’ but I didn’t like it much because I was still defining myself in relation to my job.

As my sabbatical went on, I felt more and more comfortable answering with whatever project felt most ‘alive’ to me in the moment. I’d have a different response every time, which was kind fun :)

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haha yeah I get that! I toyed around with “recovering engineer” but that always led into conversations about what I was recovering from...which got a little exhausting and depressing after a while.

love the idea of answering with respect to the present project you’re focused on. I’ll keep experimenting with different answers to see what sticks 🙏🏾

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So many of just let the weeds grow in. It’s easier and we tell ourselves they’d all just take over the garden anyway. But you’ve made it sound so much more pleasurable to get down and dirty in that bed. 🌱

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